Sunday 26 August 2012

My Dirty Little Secret...

We’ve all seen the media hype surrounding T.V shows Being Lara Bingle and The Shire. Everyone’s bitched and moaned about the ‘rubbish’ that dominates our screens. ‘No one watches that crap’ seems to be the general consensus among the public. Or so they’ll have you believe. I’ll admit I feign disgust at the trivial content of these shows, but it’s all an act. Hello, my name is Taylor and I am addicted to trashy T.V. There, I’ve said it, you can start judging me now.

I secretly love trashy T.V shows. I haven’t stooped to The Shire yet but I’m willing to give it a go. Wife Swap and Dating In the Dark are both guilty pleasures of mine and that’s not where it stops. I’m currently so addicted to Dance Moms that I just HAD to watch the next season online, before it came to Australia. Is that sad? Probably, but I know I’m not the only one harbouring this secret.

Why do I love it so much? That’s simple. I love sitting down to these shows because of their easy viewing. No brain function required. Simply sit back and relax. Before you know it a couple of hours have passed and the most strenuous thing you’ve done is ponder which six year old is going to win the ‘Ultimate Supreme’ beauty queen title. For a couple of hours life is simple.

So, next time you’re sitting at home watching Toddlers and Tiaras with the curtains drawn, remember you’re not alone. I’ll probably be watching the psychotic pageant mums and killing off my brain cells too.

For those of you yet to experience the magic of Toddlers and Tiaras, I invite you to have a sneak peek. I promise you won't regret it.

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