Sunday 5 August 2012

Lecture One: Entering the Unknown

As an ex-business student only just embarking on her journalism journey this semester, I had no idea what my first lecture would bring. After a semester of trying to convince myself that I actually enjoyed business I decided to get a reality check, enrol in a course that I was somewhat passionate about and see if journalism was for me.

Upon arrival at JOUR1111’s first lecture I’ll admit I was nervous. Would I be ‘clock-watching’ for the entire lecture? Will I have the life drained from my soul by an ancient professor? What if I’ve chosen the wrong course, yet again? You can imagine my shock when our lively professor walked in and I found myself actually engaging in the lecture. What was this madness?

I soon learned that journalism is either regarded as the important first step in exposing the world to history, or, less favourably, as a world of egos and gossip. If I was to become a journalist it was not going to be all sunshine and lollipops. More challenges surrounding my prospective profession were listed: the possible death of newspapers, social media, staff shedding and increase in “citizen journalists” to name a few. Needless to say my nerves started to kick in again.

We turned over to the next slide and what should be there but an entire list of reasons why studying journalism was not such a bad idea. We use it every day; it is pervasive, readily available and has a way of reflecting back the values of society as a whole. I would also gain a better understanding of the world around me. Things started to look up again.

All in all I felt a sense of relief as I walked out of the first lecture. There were plenty of reasons why journalism could be the right choice for me. Of course I’m not delusional to the fact that this profession has its challenges. But that’s not unlike any other profession. I also hadn’t fallen into a boredom induced coma during the lecture. Perhaps my decision to study journalism was not such a ridiculous idea after all.     

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