Thursday 8 November 2012

The end of the road

As my time as a JOUR1111 student comes to an end I must admit that I’m feeling a mix of relief and sadness. Yes, updating this blog has required a LOT of effort and has at times been very frustrating. But it has also provided me with an insight into the basic foundations of journalism and a new skill in blogging. I have particularly enjoyed blogging about random points of interest and am considering starting my own personal blog in the future. That being said, I can hear the triumphant music playing in my head, and I am ready to submit this bad boy. I’ll finish with a wonderful quote from the ever inspiring Nelson Mandela who has summarised my feelings in a sentence:


Thanks and I hope you've enjoyed my ramblings :)

Good one Mum and Dad

The other day I read an article in the Courier Mail that spoke about the current generation of children who are wrapped up in cotton wool by their parents. These parents are so overprotective that they don’t allow their children to get up to any sort of messy, risky, mischievous or unsupervised activity. Despite being only 18 years of age I don’t believe I have been a victim of this style of parenting. Here is a brief and incomplete list of things I did as a child that would horrify the modern day parent:

·         Cut my entire fringe off by myself at 5 years old. School photos were literally the next day.

·         Continued to climb grandma’s backyard tree despite knowing my cousin had fallen out of said tree and dislocated his elbow

·         Walked to the park with just my cousins. At 9 years old I was the veteran…..

·         Set my pants on fire at 4 years old because I was standing too close to the heater

·         Stole lollies from the local supermarket at 8 years old. My mum was absolutely livid and I didn’t see the light of day for about a week…..

·         Attempted to back flip off a swing at 9 years old. Subsequently I face planted into the sand. It was great.

·         Built mud pies in the backyard with my cousins and sisters AND lived to tell the tale.

·         Got lost a couple of times in the shopping centre. The highlight was having to call mum and dad over the loud speaker so that they could collect their darling daughter from the store.

·         Split my head open as a result of jumping on mum and dad’s bed and landing head first on their bedside table.

I would like to stress how wonderfully caring my parents were (and still are!). Basically I was a free-spirited child who didn’t necessarily think before I acted and my parents weren’t so overbearing that we never had any freedom. I believe they gave us our freedom, but we knew where the boundaries lay. The aforementioned incidents were the result of encouragement from my cousins and my willingness to try just about anything. Anyway, I learnt my lesson after making these mistakes. Isn’t that how children are supposed to grow??

Parents who don’t let their children experience the simple joys of childhood are hurting their kids. My parents gave us just the right mix of protection and freedom and I am thankful I had the opportunity to ‘mess up’ a couple of times on my own.
                                                           That's more like it....

Back to the gym :)

Last week I made the tremendously difficult decision to return to competitive gymnastics training. Now, before you start thinking that all gymnasts do are roly polys and cartwheels, think again. Not only am I returning to 20 + hours per week of training, I have to make up for the five month break I took from the sport. Needless to say, after my first training back in the gym I felt as though I had torn every muscle in my body. I am not even joking!!!

I soon discovered upon my return that I was more than a little bit out of shape. I only managed seven chin-ups, where I once could do 15. My hands were sore on bars after just 10 minutes, despite once being able to manage a 40 minute session on the apparatus. I literally thought I wouldn’t be able to make the trek up our house stairs once I arrived home that night.

So, why did I choose to go back if I am so unfit?? It’s simple really. Once you are a competitive gymnast, you’re a gymnast for life. The countless hours of training are so worth it when you get a great result at a national level competition and I missed the feeling of having a supreme level of fitness. Then there’s that feeling as you sail through the air mid-tumble. It is a legitimate addiction. Gymnastics is ultimately my passion. I know I have a lot of hard work ahead of me, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. It feels so good to be back :)

Wednesday 7 November 2012

Oh Lance.....

It’s no secret; Lance Armstrong has had a massive fall from grace. It appears as though the allegations about his drug use whilst cycling are very true and to be honest, it saddens me. It’s not only the fact that I chose to do my year eleven English assignment on his autobiography, believing him to be a true hero that hurts me (although that is a terrible travesty haha). It saddens me that people no longer have the miracle of him overcoming cancer AND winning the Tour De France to believe in.

Despite all of this, I am not going to ridicule Armstrong. He probably felt pressured to compete with the best, many of whom were taking performance enhancing drugs. I also believe that his cancer charity work for Livestrong should not be forgotten. He has helped many a cancer patient/survivor over the years.
I propose that we don’t necessarily have to look the other way from Armstrong’s regrettable mistakes. Instead let’s focus on the tireless work he has put into his charity and the hope he has given to those affected by cancer throughout the world.  

Lecture Eleven: Investigative Journalism

In this, our final lecture, we were introduced (or re-introduced in my case) to the art of investigative journalism. Having completed a course in Journalistic investigation, I felt quite knowledgeable (for once) sitting in that lecture theatre. Investigative journalism is a way in which people can discover the truths of the world and uncover what someone may be trying to hide. Investigative journalism is characteristically intelligent, informed, intuitive, inside and one must be heavily invested. In my opinion it can form some of the most interesting news stories around. In some cases it can provide a voice to those without.

For a well written investigative journalism piece to occur it is critical that the journalist takes a thorough approach and consults a wide range of courses. It also takes breaches of societal norms and brings them to the forefront, essentially exposing wrongdoings. Investigative journalism can hold those in power accountable and make public personalities and institutions whose actions impact social and political accountable also.

Investigative journalists must show initiative and passion in exposing their stories. If it weren’t for the work of inquisitive journalists the Watergate scandal would not have been exposed. These journalists cut through the agenda (as mentioned in my last post) and expose stories to the public that should be of high interest.

However, facts must be investigated by the journalist and nothing can EVER be assumed. This is where investigative journalism differs from PR. Public relations tend to carefully select (and omit) facts in order to present the story in a particular way. This would not be the way of a true investigative journalist!! Observation, interview and analysis are the keys to uncovering a groundbreaking story.

Sad but true...

I was up late studying the other night when I came across this piece of youtube gold. It was in the part of youtube where you find dancing cats and other rubbish that no human should have see. The author of the video dares you not to laugh whilst watching. I’m ashamed to say that I cracked under pressure and found myself sniggering at the creature on the screen. Obviously I was severely lacking and sleep. Anyway, thought I’d spread the love. Does anyone else find this pointless video to be actually funny? Something tells me I might be alone in this.

The time when I didn’t win $100 million…

I have to say that apart from that one time in kindergarten where I won the coveted Easter raffle, I have never really had luck on my side. My scratchies never contain any winnings and my horse has NEVER been the winner in our annual family Melbourne Cup sweep. You’d think that having Irish in my blood, things would be different. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.

 I, along with the rest of Australia, held my breath on Tuesday as I waited for my numbers to pop up in the $100 million lotto draw. Sadly, it wasn’t to be for me that night. However, in anticipation of my win I had already come up with ways that I would spend my money. A girl can dream right?? Here’s how I would’ve spent my money:

·         Paid off my parent’s mortgage (I’m a generous soul really)

·         Bought myself my first home and an investment property

·         Bought my younger sister a little car she can learn to drive in (then she can't use mine)

·         Go on a trip around Europe and shout myself to Business class flights

·         Paid off HECS!!!!

·         Shout my friends to a shopping trip. Would feel so good to say “just put it on my card.”

·         I would probably go sky diving, just because I can

·         I’d donate a decent amount to the Make A Wish Foundation. I honestly would.

Other than that, I have no idea what I would do. It has never really occurred to me that it could actually happen. You really would have to be the luckiest bugger around to see all of your numbers on that lotto screen. I can’t even fathom how amazing that feeling would be…