Wednesday, 7 November 2012

A year without school....

So it has been nearly a year since I exited the school gates for the last time. Last night I was reflecting on how my life has changed since I left school.

There have been some great things that have come once I ditched my uniform. Obviously I started university where I got to dictate my timetable, was able to sleep in two hours later than I used to and I got to learn about something I was actually interested in. I have had more time to see my friends during the day and do nice things together i.e. go out for a coffee. There is also this beautiful thing where we get a 3 month break over the Summer to ‘re-charge’ our batteries. I also now have more money thanks to a timetable that is far more accommodating. However, there are some things that I’ll admit I have found to be a bit difficult since finishing school.
Firstly, no one cares if you don’t show up to class. There’s no frantic teacher on the phone to Mum demanding to know why you didn’t show up. I no longer have school to use as an excuse for not being able to fill in at work. There’s a lot more assumed knowledge at uni and the standard of work is much higher. And whoever said that uni is easier than school is an absolute liar.

On the whole though, I really do enjoy post-school life a lot more than school itself. I’ll gladly accept more responsibility in exchange for no more uniforms, sleep-ins and more of a social life any day thank you very much….

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