Thursday 30 August 2012

Bridge to Brisbane

Okay, so I decided to sign up for the Bridge to Brisbane this year. Who wouldn’t want to raise money for a well deserving cause AND get exercise at the same time. A LOT OF EXERCISE. It seemed like a great idea at the time. I was still feeling that post-Olympic euphoria where you suddenly consider any athletic endeavour you attempt to be entirely possible. ‘Why not?’ I thought, and promptly signed up for the 10 kilometre race. How hard can it be?

                                                                  It's hardly a mountain......

Well since then the euphoria (and the motivation) has faded and I’m feeling nervous about ‘the big run’. I went for a six kilometre run last week and the burn in my thighs has only just faded. Oh well, I’m still going to give it my all. There may be tears (and heart failure) along the way, but raising the money will be worth it. However, there may just be one less journalism student around UQ come Monday…. Wish me luck J

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